Congratulations on the grand opening of Nanchang Priya flagship store of Xiangjiang Home Furnishing

Source:Simto Group Co.,Ltd.Release time:2022-11-12

Three goats, five blessings

We are gathered together on this joyful day

In this great day of fragrance and song

Welcome to Nanchang Xiangjiang Home Furnishing's new Duopriya flagship store

Grand Opening

Opening of Nanchang Xiangjiang Home Furnishing's new Duopriya flagship store

It signifies that we have another new Jiangxi Province Dopriya

▲ Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

When the scissors ring, the gold is ten thousand taels

Let's wish Nanchang Xiangjiang home furnishing new Duo Priya flagship store

Good luck in opening, business is booming

▲ Awarding Ceremony

▲Opening group photo

▲Scene atmosphere

▲External Advertising

Let us bless together

Nanchang Xiangjiang Home Furnishing New Duopriya Flagship Store

Good luck for business opening, prosperous business, prosperity